Use "devalue|devalued|devalues|devaluing" in a sentence

1. The currency was devalued 20% overnight.

2. Let's not devalue her work unjustly.

3. The president has devalued the dollar.

4. Nigeria has just devalued its currency .

5. The currency has devalued at a rapid rate.

6. Exam malpractices virus Afflicts more students, devalues certificates

7. Let's not devalue his work unjustly.

8. the notion that aging enhances men and devalues women.

9. Would that not devalue the document?

10. The government have devalued the currency.

11. 7 Nigeria has just devalued its currency .

12. Aggressiveness is an extreme form of assertiveness involving devaluing the other person

13. The pound was devalued against the US dollar.

14. It's unfair to devalue anyone's work unjustly.

15. They have often been reluctant to devalue.

16. The country devalued its currency by 5 percent.

17. Devalued by 5 percent yesterday before currency speculators attacked it.

18. 24 The country devalued its currency by 5 percent.

19. Last night it was effectively devalued by eight percent.

20. He urged that they be devalued against the dollar.

21. Time has devalued his stature as a play writer.

22. To mention Kaptan was to devalue the exploit.

23. Work in the home is often ignored and devalued.

24. However, Biological anthropology (especially the cranial index) has been devalued.

25. Indiscriminate use of praise devalues its power as a motivator and reward.

26. The French government has devalued the franc by 20 percent.

27. Think about how removing original tags might devalue the item.

28. Last year Mexico was forced to devalue the peso.

29. They're always trying to devalue my contribution to the department.

30. If these measures are insufficient, a country may devalue its currency.

31. Governments may in fact suffer from having the option to devalue.

32. A real injury crisis like this can devalue the game.

33. See the box “Beliefs That Devalue the Notion of Success.”

34. India has devalued the Rupee by about eleven per cent.

35. She feels devalued because she knows her husband has had affairs.

36. Blum was forced to stop his reforms and devalue the franc.

37. The government devalued the currency to try to revive the flagging economy.

38. Synonyms for Cheapening include reducing, devaluing, depreciating, discounting, lowering, devaluating, depressing, cutting, slashing and dropping

39. 19 The government devalued the currency to try to revive the flagging economy.

40. It can be of considerable depth and complexity and should not be devalued.

41. They spread tales about her in an attempt to devalue her work.

42. It is not only children who are devalued by these policy inconsistencies.

43. We are not going to devalue the pound. I have made that crystal clear.

44. Countries with severe and persistent current account deficits were allowed to devalue their currency.

45. Nero devalued the Roman currency for the first time in the Empire's history.

46. The cost of servicing these liabilities would soar if the peso were devalued.

47. Non-fixed exchange rate with the French franc, which devalues 4 times vs. the US dollar.

48. A poor verbal presentation will not only devalue your message but you along with it.

49. We also had with us an immensely heavy steel strongbox which contained enormous quantities of devalued lire.

50. Ableism is anything that devalues someone based on their disability — whether that disability is visible or not.

51. The financing, the depreciation of capital asserts and the preparation of devalue asserts are discussed.

52. Swear words work best when used sparingly; more frequent deployment does not liberate, it devalues a wonderful means of expression.

53. Small businesses are risky because the property they can put up as collateral generally devalue quickly.

54. Emotional Abandonment is the result of a significant person discarding you, dismissing you, devaluing you, or not acknowledging you

55. Synonyms for Cheapen include reduce, devalue, depreciate, discount, lower, devaluate, depress, cut, slash and drop

56. When the consumer price index inflates , to devalue money, there are no places to hide.

57. In the face of a severe crisis relating to international reserves, the government devalued the currency twice.

58. It is up to politicians in a democracy to nurture faith in it, not devalue that faith.

59. Because our culture devalues the reasons for getting married, it also has a limited view of the permanence of marriage.

60. But it was bigoted political obstinacy, not courage, which induced him to refuse to devalue the pound.

61. 19 It is up to politicians in a democracy to nurture faith in it, not devalue that faith.

62. To reach an accord, the government will likely have to devalue its currency, which would help boost exports.

63. But it was bigoted political obstinacy, not courage,( which induced him to refuse to devalue the pound.

64. At midnight on Tuesday, he told his share dealers to start buying - confident the pound would be devalued.

65. At the same time the peso was devalued by 600 % and inflation soared over consumers' purchasing power declined.

66. Then they may feel morally devalued and a new standard of behavior can take root: the good of the service.

67. To lower admission standards would be, in effect, to devalue the currency in which their diploma had been issued.

68. Auteur is one of those words, like diva and masterpiece, that has been devalued to the point of redundancy

69. For a high inflation country, the ability occasionally to devalue its currency is important and its exercise can yield benefits.

70. I don't want to devalue your achievement, but you seem to have passed your exam without really doing any work.

71. I think the use of words such as courage and bravery are over used and they have become devalued as a result.

72. ‘the plastic chassis contributes a sense of Cheapness’ 2 The quality of requiring little effort or sacrifice, especially where this is regarded as devaluing the outcome

73. Campaigners along the 50-mile proposed route also fear the 400,000-volt cable could endanger health, spoil the landscape and devalue property.

74. Barter is an option to those who cannot afford to store their small supply of wealth in money, especially in hyperinflation situations where money devalues quickly

75. It not only excluded the intellectual as an outstanding pioneer in the development of China's economy, science and culture, but also preached obscurantism that devalues the importance of intelligence.

76. Probed new regulations and practice of calculation of asset depreciation, devalue preparation, prediction of abandonment charge and rights and interests of the mineral district.

77. True, unemployment has reached a record one-in-ten high, marital splits are up to one-in-three and the pound has been devalued.

78. • TV Dinner: compartmentalized, distinct areas, not much mixing • Acculturational Orientations: • Integration: maintain cultural traditions while becoming an integral part of host society • Marginalization: devaluing cultural heritage but no significant connection with …

79. Stock Basher: An individual, either acting alone or on behalf of someone else, who attempts to devalue a stock by spreading false or exaggerated claims against a …

80. Cheapen vt (=devalue) [+word, concept, image] rabaisser, déprécier → We shouldn't Cheapen the concept of permanence of marriage → Love is a word Cheapened by overuse